News Digest (Take our Survey!)

News Digest (Take our Survey!)

by Varsha Kamat -
Number of replies: 0

Take our survey!

This issue of News Digest includes a new opportunity for you to participate in a research study.  

Take the online Sense of Community in the Peer Support Workforce survey now!

What's new in the Academy of Peer Services

This News Digest includes information about the new and revised courses for this term, including:

  • Peer Support in Criminal Justice (new Elective course) 
  • Essential Communication Skills (revised Core course)
  • The Historical Roots of the Peer Movement (revised Core course - new content) 
  • Introduction to the Supervision of Peer Specialists Course 2 (revised Supervision course - new approach to sharing assignments) 
  • Suicide: A Peer to Peer Conversation (Elective course, under revision) 

We look forward to your continued participation in the Academy of Peer Services and involvement in our Virtual Community.

Deadlines and Announcements
This issue has new calls for proposals, workshops, webinars, live events and more. 

Research Studies and Findings

Help us Connect the Dots!

The Sense of Community in the Peer Support Workforce is a study by the Academy of Peer Services team to learn about the sense of community (all regions, all roles) in the peer support workforce. If you are a peer specialist yourself, or if you work on a team with or supervise peer workers, we'd like to hear from you.

Please share this survey invitation with others you know who are involved in the peer support workforce. Program coordinators, supervisors, colleagues on multidisciplinary teams and others with a role in programs that offer peer support services are invited to take the survey. 

In addition to the Sense of Community survey, we provide the findings from a recent survey by the New York City Peer Workforce Consortium and a new survey they are currently conducting of managers, program coordinators, and others at the organizational level. There is also a survey for peer specialists on perceptions of stress and another for those who are supervisors. 

The latest job openings, a volunteer opportunity for peer-to-peer education, and self-employment resources are all available in this issue.

Virtual Community News Digest (a project of the Academy of Peer Services)

A PDF of the current News Digest is attached or can be accessed onlineclick here. 

Click “News” in the heading of the Virtual Community website for previous issues:

Warm wishes 

Rita Cronise / Virtual Community Coordinator

& the Academy of Peer Services Team: Amy, Annette, Efrem, Karen and Varsha